CURRENTLY . . . MAY . . . UH, REALLY??!!

Okay, what did y'all do with April?  Seriously, folks!  Where did that last one go? It seems like it was Easter just yesterday, and then . . . BAM . . . here comes May. Not that I am complaining mind you, cuz I promise that I ain't!  However, the way time seems to be slippin' by these days surely is a wonderful reminder to seize the day!  

With a new month upon us, that only means one thing.  It's time for Farley's beloved Currently.  So, here's my latest Linky installment . . .
Thanks to one and only Cara Carroll for her cute font!
As you know by now (if ya follow me), I love to explain.  So, here's a little mindless insight into those answers above.  

LISTENING - I am an alt-nation girl to the core.  Although I love country (especially old school Waylon), give me alternative rock any day of the week and I'll be as happy as a clam.  I finally wore out my fixation on Shiny Toy Guns, so I treated myself to 2 new albums this week.  I found Gotye's original ditty and I snatched up Phoenix's new collection.  Both have captured my heart in less than 24 hours!  If you are an alt fan, be sure to check these two out!

LOVING - I have always loved my class, but they have grown into the . . . dare I say it . . . PERFECT crew this past month.  I am floored with their growth, passion to learn, unfaltering compassion for one another, and their willingness to ALWAYS try their hardest.  These last 30 are going to be golden!

THINKING - I pride myself on having a great memory, but these past few weeks have shown that it may not be as good as I think (shhh . . . don't utter a word of this to the hubs).  Mmmmmm . . . it's list time! 

WANTING - raise your hand if you need something to look forward to!!??  I am going to Vegas in July as well as Portland for a week, but that's too far away.  I am longing for something "beachy" in the near future.  

NEEDING - you would think the dry cleaner is holding my clothing hostage, but I keep forgetting to snag it on the way home.  See . . . I do need a list . . . stat!

SUMMER BUCKET LIST - that little line above says it all.  

Alright, I am off to work on my Survival Pack.  I am planning to have it up by Sunday.  Hopefully, I can buckle down and catch that creative wave.  I'll be back soon with some free goods no matter what.  Hugs y'all and thanks for visiting.  

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