I swear I am working on other packs (punctuation and back to school to be exact), but Good Morning Work just seems to be all the rage right now at the Factory.  You are probably thinking . . . WAIT A MINUTE . . . didn't this crazy just say she was finished with all of the 1st Grade Good Morning Work packs a few posts back??  Well, you're right.  I am.  However, I have had numerous requests for something very similar throughout the past year and I am making good on these solicitations . . . I bring you 2nd Grade Good Morning Work.  


Similar to my first grade collections, these packs focus on a spiral review of all the common core standards for both reading and math.  I am making these as I go this year (they will come out about 2 weeks before the start of the new month) and I am working closely with multiple 2nd grade teachers to pace these appropriately.  This first set targets all of the standards they should have mastered in first grade.  As the the school year progress, more difficult concepts will be introduced and thrown into the review mix.  My goal with these is to walk that fine line between rigorous and independent.  However, I want to give you time to introduce the new concepts and standards to your kids before they encounter them in the AM workload.  

I also chose to continue to "chunk" my concepts in these packs.  That means that the kids are met with the same 5-6 standards for an entire week.  I taught second my very first year in the biz and it just made sense to continue to do it this way based on the knowledge I have of this age group.  It also frees up more time for you in the morning as the week progresses . . . fewer questions and less support!!!!  

As always, I am offering up some free pages from both packs for you to try out. If you like what you see, come on back and treat yourself to the whole pack. They are only $3 :)  
CLICK HERE to snag the free MATH pages!

CLICK HERE to snag the free READING pages!

Alright my friends, I am off to figure out what to whip up for dinner.  We are down to turkey bacon in the meat department and I sure don't want to have to go to the store.  The bread ain't moldy yet, some of the lettuce isn't that soggy dark green color, and we've got one tomato that gets a C- on the squishy test. BOOM . . . BLTs it is!!!  Ha :)  Have a great one my friends and I'll see you soon with something that isn't Good Morning Work!  

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