First things first today, the Pen Pal Pair up is now closed.  Sorry the window was so short, but I am sitting at just over 700 teachers signed up and I figured I better shut 'er down.  I will be sorting by grade level and class size like crazy this week (OK . . . I'll come clean.  Truth be told, my amazing mom will be sorting like crazy . . . she volunteered to help with the initial set up).  When I return from my trip, I will begin pairing people up and I'll launch into the email notification portion of this process.  Each partner email is sent individually, so I am looking at 350 total emails.  My fingers hurt just thinking about it, but stick with me folks . . . I WILL get it done!!  It will just take me a bit.  I hope to have everyone matched and notified by August 11th! 

Also, I please know that this process takes HOURS.  I will do my best to match you based on the simple form you completed (class size, location, etc.), but once the match is made, it is out of my hands.  All I can do is cross my fingers and hope that a stellar partnership forms.  Sorry for the disclaimer, but I had to toss it out there for myself . . . I always feel bad when the match doesn't work out and someone is disappointed.

While you are waiting for your pen pal partnership email, I whipped up a cute little friendly writing template that y'all can grab if you like.  Just click on the link below to snag the levelized template of choice!

CLICK HERE to get these free letter templates.
Thanks to JW Illustrations + Fonts for Teachers + Fancy Dog!

If you are looking to streamline Pen Pals this next year, check out my Pen Pals Pack.  It saved my bacon last year and it may be just what you're looking for to help keep you on track!  I put this puppy on discount (only $4) and will let it ride until I finish the very last match is made!

This pack is jam packed (77 pages in all) and it was designed for grades K-3!
CLICK HERE to see more.
Letter Writing Intro Activities 
Levelized Writing Templates
Postcards, Questionnaires, Learning Writes, Recipes, Directions, and More!

Alright my friends, I am off to finish my first editable pack.  It has taken me forever in Power Point (shhhh . . . don't tell . . . I always use WORD).  Then, I need to pack for our big trip.  Portland, Oregon here I come!  Thanks for visiting friends :)

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