So, I've been a little MIA as of late and I have some explainin' to do.  First off, I wasn't feeling all that hot at the beginning of the week . . . of course it was the start of my Spring Break.  It never fails :)  I swear I went 12 LONGER than LONG rounds with my endometriosis filled gut.  However, before you start feelin' sorry for me, I fought back like a champ and ended up with the TKO by the time Thursday rolled around.  Then, as a little treat, my sweet hubs booked a trip to South Lake Tahoe for the last few nights.  It was wildly fun . . . just the two of us.  Great food, lots of Blackjack, amazing scenery, and oodles of belly-laughes. It was just what the doctor ordered for Ms. Dolling!  However, as I stated above, the "Factory" has been a little neglected as of late . . . time to remedy this one!

I know I promised a Summary Freebie, but I want to make sure it works with the kids before I offer it up.  I "penned" it in the plan book for Wednesday, so check back next week for the outcome.  If it is a hit, I'll share it for sure!  If it isn't a winner, I'll share that too . . . I left my pride in the gutter ages ago!  With this said, I can't promise a freebie and then NOT come through.  So, I am going to change gears a bit and offer up my Recycle It Math Game.  I made this partner ditty last year and with Earth Day coming in just two short weeks, I figured I better offer it up sooner rather than later.  

CLICK HERE to get your hands on the whole FREEBIE file.
Recycle It is a partner card game that has kids building and comparing numbers. This download comes with two versions - the one you see below and one for younger students that just deals with tens and ones.  

If you are looking for additional Earth Day goods, I have a Feel-Good Mini Unit in my store that's great for 1st and 2nd graders.  I made this one last year as well and I think it still holds up pretty well :)  The best part is that it's very LOW-PREP, it contains a fantastic free song from Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes (Every Day is Earth Day), and it's priced to not break the bank!  

CLICK HERE to learn more about this heart-warming collection! 
Alright friends, I am off to prep my baseball centers for the week and try and work on my Solid Figure Pack a bit.  It's really starting to take "shape."  Yes.  I just typed that.  Oh my . . . time to exit before I really start tossin' the dumb jokes at ya.  Big hugs and good luck next week.  I'll see you soon.

Oh . . . and don't forget to check out Fluttering Through First Grade's fantastic bloggy birthday giveaway.  It's a doozie!

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