I finally pulled myself out of my "creative slump" and came up with an end of the year FREEBIE to share.  I think it was the excitement of me getting to go back next week that sparked it.  I cannot wait to hang with my little darlin' babes and this seemed like a perfect activity for us to share! Here's what I've got for ya . . .
Thank you Goodness & Fun and Delightful Digitals for your design support!
This Student Scavenger Hunt will take the place of center rotations for me next week (I am thinking Thursday will be perfect as it's our second to the last day). The idea behind this activity was to create something fun that will keep my kids up and moving, while still interacting with their "classroom family."  I made up 12 very easy prep task cards for you to hide in your classroom or around campus (i.e. pick up five pieces of trash, add a picture to the chalk mural on our sidewalk, find a classmate who makes you laugh, etc.).  However, I realize that these tasks may not be for everyone.  So . . . I made up a blank set of task cards for you to customize!  Pop on over to my TPT Store to learn more about this hunt and/or to snag your FREE copy.   

There are so many wonderful contests going on right now.  I cannot believe the goods that are being given away.  I wanted to go back and post a bunch of them, but now I am having trouble re-locating my contest "stalks" from earlier today.  But, here are three that I found again.  Just click on the buttons to enter these great contests.

Katie King hit the big ONE-OH-OH-OH!  Wowza :)
This is a delightful "pay it forward" giveaway concept!
And, last but not least, please don't forget that I am hosting my mega Rockin' Resources contest.  I have the Fonts for Teachers program in my hand, Intelli-Tunes is ready for your CD order of choice, those Teddy Bear Press sight word books are on their way via UPS truck, and I have been collecting all sorts of other fun goodies to stuff in the winner's shipment.  Click on the button below to learn more about this Rockin' Resource Giveaway as well as my very first linky party!!  You still have 2 days to enter :)

Alright my friends, I am off to finish up report cards.  I have been putting it off all day and the principal is asking for them sooner rather than later.  Yikes . . . better get to gettin'.  See you tomorrow.

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