I have a ton to post about tonight and I am all over the map.  So, when I saw Fabulous in First's new Sunday Series, I knew it was just meant to be.  On that note, I bring you the Factory's version of Sunday Smorgasbord . . . 

Someone shut the front door!  I actually finished TWO packets today.  I promised to have the rest of my Good Morning Work Packets up for grabs by the 1st, and by golly, I am a woman of my word.  I sat in my office all day and cranked the final two math sets out (August and September).  They are posted and ready to go.  I started the LAST collection (August Reading), but alas, my DVR and the hubs are calling (Dexter, The Killing, Restaurant Impossible, and maybe a foot rub . . . oh my)!  However, I plan to have this last packet up tomorrow evening.  

Stuffed with concepts they should know walkin' in your door.
This is going to be a great little assessment tool :)
CLICK HERE to read more.

This rigorous collection challenges your kiddos in a meaningful way!
But, it still eases your babes into the morning routine while making them feel successful :)
CLICK HERE to read more.
**Check back later this week for some Good Morning Work freebie pages.  

Okay, so life as we know it in the bloggy world be a changin' come tomorrow.  I am sure you have seen it posted just about everywhere, but just in case you missed it, Google Reader is taking the all-mighty golden handshake in a few short hours.  It's been a glorious run, but the old dog is steppin' aside to let the hip rookie take over . . . Bloglovin'.

Old habits die super hard for me (especially when it comes to tech stuff), but I made the transition earlier this week and it was painless!  If you haven't already, simply click on the button below to follow me over at Bloglovin'.  And, while you're there, you can transfer ALL of the blogs you follow in one painless click . . . it's so easy!  I promise it will be worth that extra effort TONIGHT (tomorrow it will be a pain to find all of your favorite blogs again).  

A BIG thank you to A Year of Many Firsts for the cute button.
I heart you Lyndsey!!!

Well, it's been 108+ the last few days.  Oh, and by Tuesday we are looking at a heart stoppin' 116.  With this said, you will understand why we had a little impulse buy yesterday . . . 

Before it was even filled, I got thrown in (white shorts and all) by a bunch of rowdy boys . . . it was on! We had full on wrestling matches in this thing and everyone ended up getting tossed in at some point.  I think I jacked up my right bicep during all the fun, but it was SO worth it :)  

Alright, my friends, I am out of here.  Have a wonderful evening and I'll catch you later this week.  

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