Hey y'all! Long time no write. What can I say? I have been seriously trippin' out over here at the Factory. Yup. In 6 short days I traveled from Cali to Vegas, from Vegas to Tahoe, from Tahoe to Reno, and from Reno back to Cali. My head is still spinning, but it was a blast!
Let me back up and break it down. I was lucky enough to attend the wonderful Vegas Bloggy Meet Up again this year! Since school is right around the corner (someone smack me . . . I said the "s word"), I am going to take a quick picture walk through this one. Oh, but I should warn you that I am an absolute misfit with a camera (forgive the mess below). It rides around in my purse and I get random shots here and there . . . I always get too caught up and forget to capture what is going on. #livininthemoment
Meet my UH-MAY-ZING roommates . . . Sweeter than sweet Stephanie from Falling into First The one and only Melissa from Lesson Plans SOS |
We spent the day before the meet up at the pool with some of my all time favorite gals! Teeny Tiny (Kristin), Miss Kindergarten (Hadar), and Crayons and Whimsy (Christy). I looked up and it 4:00 . . . time truly flies when your hanging with your buds. |
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Then, it was on to the meet up. I scored a table in the back with my rowdy So Cal Crew. Here's a view from the cheap seats!!! |
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I got to catch up with some of my favorites from the 2012 meet up. Rachelle, Cheryl, Deedee, Hope . . . the list goes on and on. I met Kathleen last year and we always have the best chats. I heart Growing Kinders (must be why I look like I am in a dream state)! #niceshotdolling |
I met some wonderful new friends this year too. Like . . . Christy from Crayons and Whimsy. This girl is the real deal . . . love her to the moon and back. |
After the meet up, our posse went to dinner together. Christy, Melissa, Steph, Hadar, Teeny, Yours Truly, and Tanja (Journey of a Substitute Teacher). I finally got to meet sweet Tanja in person (AKA OREGON) . . . we go way back in cyber world!!! |
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Read other teacher tales of Sin City HERE! Great idea Rachelle and Natalie :) |
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WARNING!!! Don't photo and drive unless you are a professional like me :) |
After a day of fun in the sun (I have a gnarly sunburn to prove it), I drove back to Reno to match up with my sweetie. We ate amazing food, managed to play blackjack for HOURS, and had the best time catchin' up.
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I couldn't take a pic at the tables, but you get the idea. |
I finally slept in my own bed last night and it came with the added bonus of clean sheets. It was heaven. On that note, I am off to catch up on laundry and work on a pack. We take off again on Tuesday (Portland, Oregon here we come) so I better get to gettin'. Oh, and I will be back tomorrow with info on the 2nd Annual Pen Pal Pair Up. I am taking on this monster again and wanted to get started a little earlier this year. So, if you are interested in having help finding a pen pal for next year . . . come on back mañana!!!