I was bummin' a bit this morning because it dawned on me that I will miss out on all of the Easter festivities in my classroom this year.  I always love all of the fun theme stuff you can tie into your lessons.  The kids always get so jazzed and totally buy into anything you're "selling."  Well . . . I was able to stop feeling sorry for myself when I realized that I can create a few fun things at home to help fill the void.  So, here you go folks . . . the first of many Easter/Spring Freebies.  I know quotes aren't a part of the first grade standards, but it is such a fun thing to teach . . . and it helps you sneak in quality sentence writing in a whole new way.  I have done this activity in the past around Christmas time and the kids loved making up crazy sentences to go with the pictures.  

I suggest that you do a quick mini-lesson on quotes and show a sample of your own (maybe do it on the overhead with them while they come up with their own sentences).  Be sure to remind them that the quotes "hold on to" what the character is saying.  

NOTE:  To print this bad boy, click on the image.  When the worksheet pops up in a new window, right click and select open in new window.  Print from this screen . . . and please DO NOT forget to change the page setup to landscape or you will end up with a very small worksheet :).   I am still trying to figure out the best way to post printables on my site.  If you have suggestions, please email me!
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