I love to celebrate Easter . . . springtime mixed with cute bunnies, huntin' eggs, and lots of chocolate . . . who could ask for a better holiday??!!

Here are some shots of my class hunting eggs last year.  I host the easiest hunt around (thanks Mr. Brown . . . he came up with it years ago and it has become a bit of an Evergreen Elementary School tradition).  It has 3 simple steps.  
  1. Bring your kids out to a large grassy area and sit them in a line.  Have 10 or so bags of mini chocolate eggs pre-loaded into in an Easter basket (don't show your kids yet).
  2. Tell the kids they get to watch you hide the eggs . . . they will boo and whine.  It's so awesome.  Then, show them the basket full of chocolates.  Start runnin' around the field chuckin' handfuls of these eggs.  They will go CRAZY and they'll think it's the coolest thing now!
  3. Quickly outline your expectations, blow your whistle, let 'em go!
They absolutely love this and it's so cute to watch them share with one another.  The best part is that it requires VERY little prep.  Simply start asking for parent chocolate donations now and you'll be ready to roll in a few weeks. 

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