Someone pinch me!  I made it!!!  I'm officially on SUMMER VACATION.  It was a long crawl this week, but I somehow managed to pull myself across that finish line yesterday all bloody and battered (ok . . . not really . . . but it sounds so much more dramatic and cool this way).  Despite my wonky descriptions above, it truly was a bittersweet week.  I'm totally beat (let's face it . . . we all are) and I am ready for some serious R&R, but letting my amazing class go was easier said than done.  We had a delightful final week together.  It was busy as all get out, but we lived it up as a classroom family until that final second.  Here's a peek . . . Five for Friday Style.

Our school-wide theme days were a hit.  The beginning of the week kicked off with camping day.  We dressed in our best camping/hiking/fishing gear and lived it up today. The kids' eyes lit up and cheers filled the room when someone spied the smore's ingredients sitting on my desk.  We enjoyed these sweet treats over a word search . . . my kids loved these this year!

On Tuesday we started the day off finishing up our First Grade Memories Bingo Cards.  I always play current music while the kids are drawing.  When my edited version of PSY came on, the majority of the boys jumped up and started doing the dance for us.  The girls (and a few shy boys) cheered our dudes on as they danced their hearts out.  #itsthelittlethingsyouremember

Our school hosted it's K-1 Play Day on Tuesday.  We had some rockin' cool stations this year.  My class was all about face painting, squirt the ducks, scooter boards, and water jump rope (we used a soaker hose this year and it worked perfectly).

Aloha Day was a blast and all the girls brought their beach blankets out to recess.  They shared towels, soaked in the sun, and giggled endlessly. Definitely a TOP moment for me this week.

Our final day was filled with so much love.  I have NEVER had a class that has been so tight.  They rarely fought.  They worked together.  They encouraged each other.  We truly were a family.  Have you had a year like this?  Oh boy, does it make it hard to let go.  One babe wrote this letter to the class and read it that morning.  I had to go to a "happy place" to keep from losing it (I am crying just posting about it).  #dollinglovesherbabies  

We did the standard autograph books, but this crew spent over an hour collecting signatures and writing detailed messages to one another.  

The kids created Jazzy Jigsaws after recess.  When finished, the kids cruised the room trying to solve each other's puzzles.  The teamwork was unbelievable - especially this late in the game.  Snag this FREE kid-created puzzle idea and template . . . HERE.  

We all ate lunch together one final time.  The kids moved between groups throughout the meal.  It was so funny to watch.  

Saying good-bye was extra hard this year.  I absolutely lost it when that first kid hugged me tighter than tight before he walked out the door and returned to his mama.  I quickly put on my dark sunglasses, but not before four sweet girls burst into tears (good one Dolling).  I loved them up good and reassured them that I would see them soon.  By the time I stuck the last one on the bus, we were all smiles again and I returned to my empty classroom in a dreamlike haze.  What a ride. 

**For those wonderful parents reading this post today . . . thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I love your kids to the moon and back and I can't thank you enough for all your support along the way.  It was a magical journey that I will NEVER forget.**

Alright, I am out.  I am crying and my husband is looking at me funny.  I am off to work in the garden and kick off my summer.  I'll see you soon with some useful goods and ideas.  For now it's time to  . . . 

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