Please excuse my tardiness with today's post!  I was helping my long-term sweetie of a sub finish up the major project that I begged her to keep in the mix for Open House this year.  Our first grade team always runs with an Africa theme.  It's a pretty fun unit to teach.  You can cover all of the habitats and the kids so dig learning about all of the animals.  I do have one special project that I love the most ... Zulu Warrior Shields!  However, I must confess that while the kiddos absolutely heart these bad boys, they are a nightmare to put together.  I just couldn't let my sub face it alone.

So, after much persuading, I sent my subby-sub home, pumped the tunes (alt nation baby), and got down to business after hours.  I must say that it was much easier without having to teach all day.  I was able to come in all "slobbed" up this year.  Two years ago I remember trying to work the glue gun on this same floor in heels and a dress . . . it was not a pretty sight.  My fingers are crossed that my new digestive system will cooperate and I will get to attend Open House tomorrow.  I hope.  I hope.  I hope.  

I also wanted to jump in on a fun Linky Party that Valerie is hosting over all All Students Can Shine.  It highlights all of the fun end of year celebrations we have with our students.  Although the last week is a crazy one, I know we all love to do it up right.  Here are some things I have up my sleeve.  

Clearly, Valerie and I are into a lot of the same things.  I am all about a bubble day too!  I give each kiddo their own bubble bottle (3 for $1 at the Dollar Tree) and break out the boombox.  It's always such fun.

The first grade team gets together and comes up with themed days to carry us through that final week.  We always do a camping day on Monday and Hawaiian theme on Tuesday!  I love making grass skirts with the kids and they love learning how to do the hula.  Wednesday is our field day and we run with a Sports Day.  The kids get a kick out of supporting their favorite teams as do I (GO DUCKS). We go an extra day this year so I think we are going to do Character Day on Thursday and round out that last day with a school spirit theme.  We better get on that decision!!!  I will post photos  when that last week finally hits.

I have seen that super cool "balloon popping" ditty all over the blogs and Pinterest.  (I think it originated with First With Franklin, but I am not sure.)  We are so running with this that last week!  It is just too cool to pass up.  Any suggestions on things that I should offer up?

Well . . . I am off to make a sign in sheet and finish up tomorrow's freebie.  I have another end of the year idea for you guys.  See you tomorrow!
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