How many of you all can see the "light."  The end of the year is within reach for so many of us and it's this hint of summer that keeps us truckin' during this hectic home stretch.  We all love our classroom babies to pieces, but it's about time for a little family and "me" time.
Ahhhh . . . vacation.  I was lucky enough to go here on my honeymoon.
If you are looking for a great place, Rancho Pescadero was heaven.

As we round this final corner, I wanted to host a little COUNTDOWN CONTEST to celebrate! Here's how to play . . .

Simply become a FOLLOWER of this blog and leave a comment below sharing the number of school days you have left this year.  No calculating required . . . I am sure you all know :).  If you already are a follower, you can play too (ya just need to comment).    

**You can receive additional entries for becoming a follower on the Teacher Idea Factory's Facebook page or for mentioning this contest on your blog. 

On that note, wanna know what you're playing for??!!?? (I sound like the host of Survivor . . . ironically, it's a VERY fitting theme for this time of year.)

Yup . . . that's right . . . $25 at TPT!  In addition, I teamed up with Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes.  A lucky second place winner will receive TWO FREE CDs of choice. His music is catchy, standards-based, and the kiddos love it.  If you haven't checked him out yet, you just gotta!

Well, that's it folks.  When I hit 100 followers, I will use the widget to generate our winners.  THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED.  THANKS FOR PLAYING :)
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