I have spent most of my evenings and post physical therapy days planted in front of my electronic box.  An endless stream of iced tea, coffee, sick beats, and tissues got me through the creation of my end of the year video.  It is my best one yet . . . the music is perfect, the transitions are flawless, and the images would warm even the coldest of hearts.  #mymasterpiece

How many of y'all make one of these?  Yes, it can take hours (if you are a psycho like me) . . . but I think it is SO worth the time.  I always have it running in the background at Open House.  I also give a copy to parents as a "thanks for sharing your kiddo with me" gift.  

With this said, do you still have a few weeks left of school?  Well . . . I swear that you still have time to slap one of these together.  Or, maybe you are in the middle of one and need a little extra motivation (I hit a slump earlier this week and had to walk away for a bit)!!??!!  Here are a couple of production ideas, a copy of my permission slip, and some follow up ditties to jump start or keep ya rollin' with an Oscar worthy production! 

If you are a teacher like me, you always have your camera in your pocket ready to catch all of your classic classroom moments.  The kids even know to remind me to get it out when something cool is going on . . . yes, I have trained them well ;)  Well, if you have been doing this all year, there's half your battle.  Once you have the inventory, you are ready to piece something together.  

Before I start making my movie, I send out a permission slip to make sure I am in the clear.  I have posted my version down below for you to take a look-see it. Feel free to swipe any verbiage that works for you!!!
Didn't The Moffatt Girls, Cara Carroll, and Kevin + Amanda make me look good??!
I couldn't pull of such a sweet look without your creative support :)
I have a MAC and have fallen in love with iMovie.  It's so easy to use.  I figured it out in no time and it's pretty idiot proof (okay . . . so I managed to booger a few things up this year, but they were easy fixes).  Simply create a new project, select a set theme (I like photo album) and drag your photos into the build screen.  You can adjust the time devoted to each clip and add movement to your photos.  I am all about timing this perfectly to the music.  

Speaking of music.  I have used lots of different songs throughout the years.  I have my go to ditties, but I also like to switch things up a bit as I always tend to have siblings.  My motto is to hit 'em with upbeat feel-good "tunage" right up front . . . slow it down . . . pick it back up . . . and then, kill it at the end with a song that tugs on those heartstrings.  Ironically, it ain't just the parents who tear up.  I ALWAYS cry.  I watch the thing a zillion times to try and placate myself, but it never seems to work in the moment.  

Here's my stellar line up this year . . . click the links to preview the tunes!
  1. You've Got A Friend in Me - Randy Newman (my go to)
  2. You Are My Sunshine - Ray Charles (best version ever)
  3. In My Life - The Beatles (classic)
  4. Rainbow Connection - Weezer + Hayley Williams (mind-blowing)
  5. Bright Side of the Road - Van Morrison (always a smile getter)
  6. Never Grow Up - Alyssa Golden (killer . . . better than Taylor's IMO)
In previous movies, I have used Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head (Burt Bacharach), Monsters Inc. Intro (Randy Newman), Over the Rainbow (IZ), Three Little Birds (Bob Marley), We Belong Together (Randy Newman), You Are My Sunshine (Victor Johnson), Fun. Fun. Fun. (Pharrell), and Perfect Gift (Natalie Hemby).  

Our Open House is a week from today so I am sittin' pretty.  Now all I have to do is make myself one DVD copy.  I don't gift the parent copies until that last week . . . it's too crazy to get this done right now!!!  And you can milk an activity out of it too (more on that soon).

I always host a student screening the afternoon of Open House.  It's perfect for that time when you've finished every thing you're gonna finish, but it's still too early to clean the room and set up the desks.  We pop corn and have a private "screening" right after lunch.  Two years ago my kinders started screaming everyone's name when they flashed on the screen.  I laughed my bum off.  Last year I had to leave the room twice during that initial showing to get it together. I wonder what this year will bring . . . .   

After the kids leave and I'm all dolled up for the night, I attach a silly little sign to the bottom of my TV as a final touch.  It's up for grabs down below.  Don't mind me.  I think I am funny and it's all about "sellin' that sizzle" . . . yes, I was in PR/marketing before becoming a teacher.  However, the video truly speaks for itself.  For those of you who create one, are you with me??  A movie about those babes that you poured your heart and soul into for the past 180 days will move mountains.  **Confession time . . . I am getting all misty-eyed as I'm writing this post.  #imintroublethisyear

CLICK HERE to grab this sign
Thank you Goodness + Fun and Ashley Hughes!
Before I go and be a wife tonight and whip something up for dinner, I have one more thing for you.  Remember how I said that you could leverage this video into another classroom activity??  Well, who better to create the DVD cover than your babes??!!  And what better time to do it than the last week of school??  They always seem to love this and the buy-in is immediate.  Simply cut cruddy copy paper to the size of the DVD holder that you are using.  We brainstorm and vote on a title (First Grade is Fabulous, First Grade Memories, First Grade Friends, etc.).  Then I let them go . . . they really take their time on this.  Slate a good 30 minutes for this.  Don't know why, but my babes always take such pride in this one.  

Alright, my friends.  I am out.  Merry {almost} Friday . . . we can do this!  I'll see you this weekend soon with a little somethin' - somethin'.  Until then, BIG HUGS! Oh, and if you have any tips to share about movies you've made, I'd love to hear them!!! 

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