Just gettin' going out here in sunny California - GOOD MORNING y'all!  My coffee is poured, the tunes are pumping {still on my Shiny Toy Guns kick}, and I cleaned my glasses . . . holy shmoly, folks . . . this is serious!  With these kind of tools at my fingertips, I am ready to post Factory's version of Five for Friday.

We launched into our Open House unit this week and the kids were in heaven. Our team uses Africa as a foundation for presenting all of the habitats.  This week was all about grasslands.  I happened to come across the BEST habitat packs from Fluttering Through First.  From photo vocab cards and games to mini books and writing templates, this collection proved to be just what I needed to fill all of my habitat holes!

My kids felt so successful with this mini book.
LOTS of wonderful vocab words.
CLICK HERE to check out this unit in more detail.
They have one for every habitat . . . I have them ALL!

After introducing the overall habitat, we focused on the animals that live there. The first few days were dedicated to those overly large land mammals . . . ELEPHANTS.  I wanted to carry this creature into all subjects, so I tinkered around and came up with a few fun activities that target the common core.  I don't have a nut allergy this year, so I ran with a non-standard measurement activity with . . . peanuts.  Okay, so African Elephants don't eat Planters and I am stretchin' a bit, but the circus connection worked out alright in my book. The kids LOVED this one and the team math work was such fun to watch.   

I haven't put my African Habitats Unit together yet . . . it's in bits and pieces still (gonna be a summer project).  However, if you want to try this math ditty in your class, I didn't want you to have to labor to create your own version. Snag it down below for free {I heart my followers}.
CLICK HERE to add this freebie to your files!
Thank you Moffat Girls and Scrappin' Doodles - love the graphics!
License # TPT52127 
Following our measurement activity, we celebrated by eating our math tools in the spring sunshine.  (I just had to let them be kids for a minute.)  One girl was disgusted that we had these on the floor . . . I kindly reminded her that the part you eat was hiding inside the shell.  However, the classic kid moment was when one little sweetie popped the whole dang nut in her mouth and chomped down (this story is even better when you know the kid).  **Toss . . . CHOMP . . . CHOMP . . . furrowed brow . . . look of terror**  So, in addition to measuring things, some kids learned how to officially eat a peanut in the shell :) 

Raise your hand if you were draggin' this week!  Holy dreamin' of summer vacay, folks!  The dark circles under my eyes were black enough that I could have entered the NFL Draft.  I was so out of it that this happened . . . 

See . . . I look like I've been hit by a truck!

Yup, I had my shirt on backwards on Thursday and I didn't notice until after lunch.  The kids thought it was hysterical.  In my defense, it's a new shirt.  But, that morning I did think to myself,  "Whoa, it's kinda low in the back . . . that's cute."  #getdressedmuch   

Okay so this is a today thing, but I am going to run with it cuz I am out of pictures (chalk it up to that "out of it" week).  My hubs is outside doing massive yard work and I am feeling guilty, but I have an obligation to get my May Good Morning Work {Reading} Packet out by noon tomorrow (Pacific Time).  So, I am firmly planted in front of my electronic box today.  Sorry honey . . . 

Check back tomorrow for my free tester pages, a packet overview, and a little Mother's Day idea {fingers crossed}.  If you are interested in the math version of May Good Morning Work, you're in luck, I already finished it!!!  You can snag the tester pages here or click on the images below to treat yourself to the whole packet/collection.  


Alright, got to get to gettin' while I am pumped and in the creatin' mood.  I'll see you soon and thanks for visiting.  Hugs!!

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