The pressure was on and I was sweatin' like a mad woman yesterday afternoon, but I managed to get 'er done!   BOOM!  May I present to you . . . May Good Morning Work {Reading}.  

I went out on a limb with this pack . . . switched things a bit and upped the ante on our babes.  It's that time of year where we teachers get our sweeties ready for that all-mighty jump to second. Here's a little look-see at the common core standards this collection targets . . .
  • Vowel Teams (ai, ay, ee, ea, oa, ow, oo, oy, oi)
  • Punctuation
  • Commas in a Series
  • Root Words
  • Parts of Speech
  • Shades of Meaning (Verbs)
  • Proper Nouns
  • Pronouns
  • Antonyms
  • Endings/Past Tense (-ed)
  • Fact + Opinion
  • ABC Order
  • Contractions
  • Compound Words
  • Syllables
  • Detailed Sentence Writing
  • Sentence Editing 
In addition to morning work pages, these can be used for homework or during any skills review block.  As always, I am offering my "try 'em before you buy 'em" deal.  There are three "tester" pages up for grabs down below.  Snatch those babies up and try them with your kiddlets.  If you like what you see unfold in your class, come on back and treat yourself to the whole pack - they're only 3 bucks :) 
CLICK HERE for these "tester" pages!

My May Good Morning Work {Math} Pack has been out for a few days and I have put together a bundle for both to save you some serious moolah.  If you pick it up this year, you will save even more ciz-ash!!!


Wait . . . don't leave quite yet.  I wanted to have a "new" something for Mother's Day, but I just didn't get there this weekend.  Boo!  However, I did put together a little mommy freebie last year that's still available. 

Early May is always nuts for us . . . especially right around Mother's Day.  It's right before Open House, trimester three assessments kick off, and our BIG Rodeo Day falls that Friday before Mom's Day.  It's a killer.  So, last year I came up with a no-brainer quickie to slip in the mix.  It's a low-prep photo card that requires one whole class lesson or center rotation.  The only work on your part is a little cutting and copying.  We also paint pre-made garden stakes (thank you Michael's), but I digress . . .  

One of these days I vow to rock Mommy Day, but I am afraid that this just ain't the year for me :(  However, if y'all do have the time, I have seen some AMAZING new crafts from some top notch bloggers show up this year.  Oh, and Ron Brown has the SWEETEST Mother's Day tune.  If you are hosting a Mommy Day event, there is still time to learn this darlin' little ditty.  

Alright, I don't think I will be able worm out of yard work two days in a row, so I am going to go join the hubby outside.  Thanks for visiting today and have a wonderful Sunday wherever you may be!  I'll be back soon to tell you all about my Summer Vacay Pack and {fingers crossed} my latest creation.  

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