My class has found a new favorite game.  We wore out the whole Jeopardy idea, so I decided to move on to Let's Make a Deal!  It's simple, it requires little prep (hip hip hooray), and kids totally dig it.  I love to hear my class crack up when someone makes a bad trade.  Thanks to a little frontload action, my kids are such good sports about the whole thing. I did modify the game to make a win-win for everyone.  Interested? Read more below.

All you need for this fun game is a homemade question deck, prizes (quite a few small items, a handful of silly items, and a couple of really good items), and "doors" (I use garbage cans or boxes placed upside down over the item). 
Here's how I play . . . 
  1. Create a question deck.  I pick four categories or skills that need reviewing and come up with five question cards per category.  I have been hot on plurals, pronouns, quotes, and parts of speech.  Place these in a pocket chart at the front of your room.
  2. Split your class into two teams.  Two children (one from each team) square-off at a time.  I have the kids each roll a die to determine who gets to pick the category.  It just creates a little more "sizzle."
  3. STOP and frontload this.  Talk about what it means to be a good sport.  It will keep hurt feelings to a minimum.  I also take this time to say that EVERYONE will be a winner if they are a good sport. I give a small treat/prize at the end of the game for everyone who shows good sportsmanship. 
  4. When a category is selected, read the question aloud and have the two answer on mini-white boards.  For example, I make them write out the quote or re-write a sentence to include the pronoun instead of the noun.
  5. Whoever gets the right answer first is the winner.  It's just like the TV show.  I offer this child a prize and it is his/her decision to keep it or trade if for something under one of my "doors."  There is a chance for something really awesome (new lunchbox, games, toys . . . Dollar Store delights), but their is also a chance for something stinky (cans of peas, used batteries . . . anything I find in my desk that I don't want).  Most of the time they will trade even though they know they might get stuck with something icky.
  6. I have the rest of the class attempt to answer on their white boards while they are at their seats.  This keeps everyone working.  If both kiddos answer incorrectly then I hit up students in the audience.  Sometimes I reward correct answers from the crowd with a little treat. 

On a mildly related note, I have been frantically working on my heroes unit and I should have it up tomorrow or the next day.  For some reason I hit a creative "road block" this weekend and spent way too much time shopping Online rather than creating.  I have this really strange habit of going to different sites (J.Crew, RuLaLa, Banana, Piperlime, West Elm . . . sigh ) and filling up my shopping cart with tons of stuff.  Then, I leave before I buy anything.  Does anyone else out there do this?  It's kind of a freaky way to get my shopping fix, but it keeps my wallet happy!  However, I didn't say no to this new suit (whoops)!
In my defense . . . I haven't purchased one in three years.
Well, I think it's been three :)  I got it in a cute royal blue color!  Darn you J.Crew.
Don't forget about the COUNTDOWN CONTEST I have running.  We're talking $25 in TPT cash and Intelli-Tunes CDs!  CLICK HERE to learn more about how to enter.  It's super easy - just follow and comment.  Spread the word. The sooner this baby gets to 100 the sooner someone gets to clean out their long "Wish List" on TPT. 

Well, night gang.  My school starts testing tomorrow.  I just gotta give a shout out . . . GOOD LUCK SWEET EVERGREEN!  I'll be there in spirit.  You can do it!    

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