Three years ago I ran with a superhero theme during the second to the last week of school.  It provided just the right "hook" for my kiddos.  For some reason I got off track and have overlooked it in the past few years. What was I thinking (or not thinking for that matter)??!!  Well, not this year I tell ya.  To properly welcome this awesome theme back into the "mix," I have created some new activities.  My fingers, toes, and eyes are crossed that the doc will let me go back soon, because I know my kiddos will just flip over these two activities . . . 

I actually came up with a pretty cute craftivity . . . it's a miracle!

This cute art activity comes with a writing exercise.  It's called "Soaring Into the Next Grade!"

You can find these two projects in my Fun With Heroes Packet (in my TPT store). Other activities include . . . Class Comic Books, Invent a Superhero, Skills Review Pages, Compliment Capes, Bubble Maps, Venn Diagrams, and more!  As an added bonus today, I am offering up a super FREEBIE!  Scroll down a bit to capture your copy :)

CLICK HERE to capture your copy!
I wanted to give a little LOVE to Patty over at Second In Line.  She gave me the sweetest shout out this morning. I cannot thank her enough.  Also, Mrs. Cupcake over at A Cupcake for the Teacher introduced me to two new blogging friends.  I want to extend a warm welcome to Teachers Give a Hoot and Just Wild About Teaching.  If you haven't checked out any of these bloggy-blogs yet, try to find a spot on your "To-Do List."  They are super cute.  


On a final note, don't forget about my COUNTDOWN CONTEST!!!  I have made it to 71 followers and am climbing.  When I reach 100 friends I will host a drawing to give away a $25 TPT Gift Certificate and CDs of choice from Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes.  Oh, yeah!  Move all that stuff that's sitting in your "TPT WISH LIST" to your cart and buy it on me!  It's quick and easy . . . follow and comment and you're in.  CLICK HERE TO ENTER.

This blog post tuned into a dang novel.  Thanks for stickin' with me!
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