I am all about the FREE lately . . . it's that time of year when teachers have spent so much of their own money that it is nice to get a little "free of charge action" now and again!

This packet is different from all the others I have posted.  It is a school-wide project pack rather than an actual teaching unit.  Let me explain . . .   
I started Operation Ego Booster three years ago at our school.  The idea behind it was to help our kids feel good about themselves and a little less stressed out about the MONSTER state test that they have to face.

The crux of this EASY school-wide project involves non-testing classrooms “adopting” testing classrooms. Simply select a teacher to lead the project who is not testing this year and pass this packet on to him/her. The process begins about two weeks prior to testing and this packet has EVERYTHING you need to get the ball rolling.  From canned "adoption letters" and thank you notes to ideas and templates, it's all covered!  

Sound like something your school could use?  Visit my TPT store to get your FREE copy today!  

On that exciting note, happy Thursday folks.  If I don't catch ya before Sunday, Happy Easter :).
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