This time I have a valid excuse for being tardy . . . I swear!  We have been in Portland, Oregon since Tuesday and yesterday was the dreaded 7 hour drive home.  It was a magical week (sans the one morning I woke up in a panic thinking about our new math program), but now it's back to reality around here. So, without wasting a minute more . . . here's my Sunday Smorgie (on a Marvelous Monday).

My trip started out with the death of a very old friend.  Yes.  Sadly, my Conair Ionic blower bit the dust the morning of our big trip.  It took me trying three different outlets to finally accept the inevitable.  Then, the realization that it was 6:30 in the morning and I was without a essential hair tool set in . . . I improvised (as seen on Instagram)!

When my hair was finally dry, we hit the road to my all time favorite city - Portland.  I lived here for a year right after college, but the PR grunt job promoting high tech companies wasn't for me and I jumped ship.  The hubs lived here too (7+ before we met) and we both love it.  Here's a little look-see at my favorite spots (not that it really matters in the scheme of things, but in the name of Smorgie, I'll share random photos with all you alls).

I got a bite of these gluten-filled wonders . . . I was so jelly.
Fantastic B+B up on NW 23rd. 
Clyde Commons - Olives + Almonds bay-bee! 
21 Smokehouse . . . I talked about eating here for 2+ weeks.
It exceeded my expectations {again}!
Portland at night + the Hubs looking oh so serious.
(He hated this picture . . . too bad he doesn't read my blog).
Powell's City of Books will blow any reader's mind -
we're talking 3 stories and a whole city block of written word.
I scored some great reads for me and one for the new crew!
Check out . . . The Day the Crayons Quit.
While up in the Rose City, I called upon one of my bloggy buddies - Sarah from Sarah's first Grade Snippets.  We had only met in the cyber world and it was time to get personal.  She met me at a great little restaurant and we "lunched."  We chatted for two hours and it was like catchin' up with an old friend . . . she is an absolute doll!  Trust me . . . you want to follow this amazing gal :)

The real reason we went to Portland was to catch a wedding.  The hubs was actually the best man and had to speak {he stressed for days as this isn't his forte . . . unlike his wife, he is more of a quiet guy}.  It was a fun night, he nailed his speech, and I loved seeing the couple glow all evening.  You know what I'm talking about?  That warm and wonderful light that a newlywed team carries with them throughout their special day??!!  I always enjoy being a witness to such love.   

This is me showing off my stellar dance moves.
I'm still hiding behind my hands a little.  Ugh, Dolling!!
Seen outside a bathroom window at U of O the day after the wedding.
I think someone saw my dance moves :)
Alright . . . enough non-school related garbage.  Thanks for sticking with me if you are indeed still reading this :)  I am off to do some laundry and finish the final edit on these two packs and start 2nd Grade Good Morning Work - September . . . watch for freebies from all of these as well as detailed descriptions VERY soon.  


PS . . . Dear Pen Pal Peeps.  I'm just getting my act together over here. The partnership emails will start trickling out later tonight and will continue for the next two weeks (I plan on doing 50-75 matches per day).  Stick with me folks.  I promise to get 'er done.  

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