Eeeeeeeee-gads . . . how is it Thursday already??  Seriously, my friends . . . where has the time gone??!!  Our first day back is officially less than one week away.  Oh well, I best just keep on truckin' today.  Despite this somewhat optimistic outlook at this moment, I am so thankful that I noticed that Cara's amazing weekly linky popped up.  I look forward to this one every week . . . and it will definitely help soften the "OMG!!! IT'S ALREADY THURSDAY AND I STILL HAVE SO MUCH TO DO" blow that is sure to hit in an hour or so :)


It's a miracle!  I finally finished all of my 1st Grade Common Core Aligned Good Morning Work Packs (Reading and Math) - August thru June.  It took me 10 LONG months as I made them as I went along last year . . . however, the best part is that they have been successfully kid-tested!

Here's my final pack . . . I had to circle back and pick up August!
I am going to use this first set as a little informal assessment tool . . . see what my new crew knows!
CLICK HERE to get up close and personal with this one!


There are a lot of amazing choices out there when it comes to Morning Work and I think your choice hinges upon your warm up needs and overall style. Here's my take on it . . . 

When my babes come in each and every morning, I want something that draws them in . . . something that they can feel comfortable and successful with . . . yet, something that challenges them.  I am always looking to walk that line between rigorous and independent in the AM.  Meaningful work matters in my book and if you raise that big old bar and give lots of encouragement,  your sweeties will do their best to rise to the occasion.  

This thought has a flip side.  You can't give them something that it too challenging.  This defeats the whole idea of INDEPENDENT morning work.  To help keep this problem in check, I chose to "chunk" my topics.  What does this mean??  Well, for five days in a row, my kids will be met with the same 4-6 common core standards.  My idea here is that you teach/review it on Monday and as the week progresses, your sweeties need little to no support.  They feel oh so successful too . . . even those low babes.       

Let's face it, the mornings are always nuts-o . . . lunch count, attendance, homework collection, AR tests, chatty parents, dumped breakfast trays . . . the list goes on and on.  We need time to do "our thing" and put out any fires that may spark.  Good Morning Work has really helped my babes and me start out on the right foot.  It might just be that certain "something" you have been looking for too.  With this said, I have some pages up for grabs down below. Snag them and try 'em with your babes.  If you like what you see unfold in your classroom, come on back and treat yourself to the bundled collection - math and/or reading.   
CLICK HERE to pick up these pages!

Oh, I almost forgot . . . I am also working on 2nd Grade GMW.  I have both August versions out and am frantically working on September.  These will also be made throughout the year and will come out approximately 2 weeks before the start of the new month.  The cool thing is that you can buy one of these first sets for ONLY $3 . . . it's a good way to make sure that you like my Morning Work style before committing to a HUGE bundle purchase.  

Alright, my friends . . . I am off to finish up my Teamwork B2S Pack.  It's our grade-level's new intro theme.  Such fun.  See you soon y'all!
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