Hey y'all!  Long time no write.  What can I say?  I have been seriously trippin' out over here at the Factory.  Yup.  In 6 short days I traveled from Cali to Vegas, from Vegas to Tahoe, from Tahoe to Reno, and from Reno back to Cali. My head is still spinning, but it was a blast!  

Let me back up and break it down.  I was lucky enough to attend the wonderful Vegas Bloggy Meet Up again this year!  Since school is right around the corner (someone smack me . . . I said the "s word"), I am going to take a quick picture walk through this one.  Oh, but I should warn you that I am an absolute misfit with a camera (forgive the mess below).  It rides around in my purse and I get random shots here and there . . . I always get too caught up and forget to capture what is going on.  #livininthemoment    

Meet my UH-MAY-ZING roommates . . .
Sweeter than sweet Stephanie from Falling into First
The one and only Melissa from Lesson Plans SOS
We spent the day before the meet up at the pool with some of my all time favorite gals!
Teeny Tiny (Kristin), Miss Kindergarten (Hadar), and Crayons and Whimsy (Christy).
I looked up and it 4:00 . . . time truly flies when your hanging with your buds. 
Then, it was on to the meet up.
I scored a table in the back with my rowdy So Cal Crew.
Here's a view from the cheap seats!!!
I got to catch up with some of my favorites from the 2012 meet up.
Rachelle, Cheryl, Deedee, Hope . . . the list goes on and on.
I met Kathleen last year and we always have the best chats.
I heart Growing Kinders (must be why I look like I am in a dream state)!
I met some wonderful new friends this year too.
Like . . . Christy from Crayons and Whimsy.
This girl is the real deal . . . love her to the moon and back.
After the meet up, our posse went to dinner together.
Christy, Melissa, Steph, Hadar, Teeny, Yours Truly, and Tanja (Journey of a Substitute Teacher).
I finally got to meet sweet Tanja in person (AKA OREGON) . . . we go way back in cyber world!!! 
Heading back to our room after the amazing meet up and dinner!
As you can see, I was wiped from all the excitement.
(Truth be told it was only 10:30, but I can't seem to rally as much now that I am striding into my mid 30s).
I won't torment you with any other photos, but I did want to shout out a few others.  A HUGE thank you to TPT (Amy and John) for helping make this year's event even better than the last.  Also, I loved catching up with all of the "big dogs" in the bloggy world.  Thanks for hosting y'all . . . you always put on the best of parties.  Sin City was a ride to remember and I am already plotting for Vegas 2014! 
Read other teacher tales of Sin City HERE!
Great idea Rachelle and Natalie :)
The fun didn't stop here for little old me.  I hopped on a plane and flew to Reno to match up with the hubs who was attending an exciting insurance conference (Oh sorry . . . RISK MANAGEMENT conference . . . so Cedar Rapids style).  I didn't stay long as he had to sit in class all day.  So, I jumped into the truck and drove myself to Tahoe to hang with my teaching besties and their babes. We are talking 5 kids under the age of 5 . . . it was absolute chaos, but I loved every minute of it!!!  Thanks for the hospitality my friends :) 

Don't photo and drive unless you are a professional like me :)
After a day of fun in the sun (I have a gnarly sunburn to prove it), I drove back to Reno to match up with my sweetie.  We ate amazing food, managed to play blackjack for HOURS, and had the best time catchin' up.  

I couldn't take a pic at the tables, but you get the idea.

I finally slept in my own bed last night and it came with the added bonus of clean sheets.  It was heaven.  On that note, I am off to catch up on laundry and work on a pack.  We take off again on Tuesday (Portland, Oregon here we come) so I better get to gettin'.  Oh, and I will be back tomorrow with info on the 2nd Annual Pen Pal Pair Up.  I am taking on this monster again and wanted to get started a little earlier this year.  So, if you are interested in having help finding a pen pal for next year . . . come on back mañana!!!  

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