I am linking up with the eva-fabulous Tessa from Tales From Outside the Classroom.  Her linky was just too lovely to pass up . . . Linking Up With Love :)

So, I am supposed to tell ya all about WHO I love, WHAT I love, and WHICH products I am lovin' right now.  Are ya ready for me . . . .


Uh, who don't I heart . . . this is going to be tough??!!  If you follow me, you already know all about my love affair with TGIF, Queen of the First Grade Jungle, and Mrs. Stanford.  With that said, I have a few other lovely ladies to shout about today.

I am so lovin' Kelly from Beg Borrow and Steal.  Her ideas are so fan-tab-u-lis and she is the cutest thing ever.  Take a moment.  Check her blog out!  She is one in a million :)

I am also all about Lyndsey over at A Year of Many "Firsts."  This girl can do no wrong in my book.  Every single time she puts out a pack or a post, this girl outdoes herself - no foolin'!

Finally, I am lovin' me some Squirrels!  Going Nutty in First Grade is so dang entertaining.  Seriously folks . . . this lady has me bustin' a gut multiple times a week.  She also puts out some really great products.  If you don't already, follow this little lady.  Missy will put a big ol' smile on your face time and time again . . . GUAR-ON-TEE it!


Okay this is still a WHO and I am going to be oh so cliche right about now, but I am in love with that cutie down below.  Don't tell . . . he'd flip his lid if he found out that I was posting a picture of his cute little mug.  Hehehehehehehe!  

I also have been losing my head lately when it comes to a couple of amazing online shopping spots.  J Crew Factory and I have been getting along oh so well as of late.  I spent $250 and scored 18 new items.  Yup, you read that right - eighteen items (17 for me and 1 for the hubs . . . now ya can't call me selfish). My cart is already full again, but I am restraining myself for now.  Oh, and I cannot forget about Rue-La-La.  This one is really more of an addiction.  This flash sale site makes my heart swoon and dang near stop at times!  Designer brands (including Corso Como shoes) at discount prices . . . it's a no-brainer, but heaven help my pocketbook!  


This week Susan's Writing Through the Seasons {Winter} Pack was a huge hit. Next week I am so excited to be rollin' with more of Katie King's Busy Teacher {January} Collection, Anna Brantley's Playful Penguin Packet, and Jen Ross' Learning With Penguins.  Oh my and have you seen Tanja's I'm Tweet on You Freebie?  I am head over heels for this one!!!!

I also will be preppin' this bad boy and throwing it at my kiddos on the 1st . . . Good Morning Work February - Reading!  

This set covers a slew of different common core reading/language arts standards.  We're talking everything from endings and parts of speech to punctuation, sentence editing, and synonyms.  

My goal with these is to create rigorous and meaningful yet highly independent warm ups for firsties.  To read more about my philosophy on Good Morning Work and to snag my "tester" pages for the February Math Packet, click here.  

Speaking of "tester" pages, I am offering up my "try 'em before you buy 'em" deal with this set too.  Below you will find three pages to try out with your kiddlets.  If you like what you see unfold in your classroom, come on back and snatch up the whole packet.  
CLICK HERE to download these!

Alright folks, I am off to bed.  Be sure to check out all the rest of the love going on at Tales from Outside the Classroom and all of the fab freebies on TBA!  I hope to see you sooner rather than later with some V-Day Math Centers!  


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