Looking for a few last minute additions to spice up your Valentine's Day activities next week??  Well, I have teamed up with an unbelievable crew of ladies to help you WIN just what you're plans could be longing for :)
Thanks to A Cupcake for the Teacher and Surfin' Through Second for the graphic support!
We couldn't pass up on the opportunity to spread a little love among all you alls, so we created the We HEART a Good Giveaway.  This flash contest starts NOW and runs through Saturday at midnight.  Yup my friends . . . it's a runaway romance of a giveaway . . . one that makes your head spin and is here today and long gone tomorrow.  Our BIG winner will be announced on Sunday morning (I will engage the Rafflecopter "selection thingy" as soon as I pour my first cup of coffee)!  

Wanna know what you are "in" for??  Your heart will surely swoon when you see all the goods up for grabs . . . 

The amazing Lyndsey over at A Year of Many "Firsts" (one of my all time favorite spaces) is offering up her cuter than cute Be a Love Monster Pack.

The oh so talented Lisa from Growing Firsties is throwing two fantastic goodies into the mix.  You can win her February Common Core Crunch Pack as well as her Plenty of Love Math + Lit Centers!

My sweeter than sweet co-worker (shhhhhh . . . don't tell), Amy, is offering up her wonderful How to Write Fabulous Valentine Friendly Letters Pack!     

I figured I might as well lay "my heart on the table," so to speak, and offer up everything that I have that is valentine-flavored.  So, y'all can win my We Heart Math Centers Packet as well as both of my February Good Morning Work Packets (Reading + Math).  

Alright, I am getting winded with all this blabbing.  With all of this said, won't you please take a moment to enter . . . we'd love to have you and  . . . just think . . . you just might win BIG on Sunday!  See you all very soon.  Thanks for visiting :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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