Somehow the first slipped by without me even noticing.  I am floored that it is February already.  Usually January is that overly long and drawn out month for me. The one where I freeze my tail off, go to bed way too early, dread the end of football, and become somewhat of a shut-in.  But . . . and this is a really big BUT I tell ya . . . this year was not like this at all. We had some wonderful sunny days, I was out and about, and I found a good balance between work, family, and takin' care of me. So, thank you January.  It was a great one.

So, with that very long-winded intro, I bring you the reason behind my post today . . . Farley's beloved Currently. **NOTE:  I wrote this yesterday afternoon and didn't get it posted until just now**

After re-reading this, a few actually need explaining this time.  We are getting ready to go to dinner with friends so I will make it quick.  

LISTENING - so, I made a impulse decision and jumped in the car a few days ago and took off to Portland, Oregon.  I lived here for a year (the hubs lived here for 6+) and our hearts are still here.  It's been ages since we visited so we bailed and headed north on a whim.  We are staying in a wonderful hotel and I can hear the busy streets out the window as I type.  

LOVING - as you just read, we are in PDX this weekend.  In addition, I have two more outings planned for this month.  In a few weeks I am having a girls' weekend in Kentucky.  Oh, and the last weekend in February I have a doctor's appointment at Stanford (fingers crossed that the "mass" is nothing major). Although I heart my doc, that stop definitely isn't the fun part.  But, the fact that the in-laws are taggin' along so we can do up San Fran together is indeed super awesome!  Can't wait for both of these trips.

THINKING - the food in Porland has been amazing and my post-surgery guts have been battlin' the delightful grub . . . but every bite has been worth it.  We had dinner at an amazing German place last night and mouth watering BBQ the night before . . . both blew my mind.

WANTING - uh . . . I am from California.  Nuff said on this one.  GO NINERS!!!

NEEDING - I am running with wonderful heart-themed goodies next week and I need to get them laminated/cut.  I know what I am going to be doing during the game tomorrow.

PET PEEVE - do you know what I am talking about when I say "One-Upper??" This is one of those annoying people who responds to hearing you describe a situation or experience by immediately telling a similar story about themselves with a much more fantastic or terrible outcome.  Oh my word people . . . this is the W.O.R.S.T!!!!   Although I am a very tolerant person and I am able to "look the other way" when it comes to most things, these people drive me absolutely mad.  Dude . . . it ain't all about you folks.  My heart is starting to race talking about this one so I am going to exit before my blood pressure goes through the roof :)  

Alright friends, I am out of here.  Gotta fix my "nap hair" and get to getting. Our friends are taking us to Toro Bravo for dinner.  YUM!!! 

Check out this tapas menu . . . swoon!!!
**NOTE:  This next section was written today**  I know it's all over blog land, but I am participating in TPT's Super Sunday Sale.  Today you can get up to 28% off all of the goods your purchase.  I am also keeping my items on sale tomorrow (Monday) just in case you are busy with the game today . . . just remember that the extra discount (SUPER at checkout) only works today.

CLICK HERE to hop to my shop!
Oh . . . and finally today . . . be sure to hop on over to Farley's blog and link up! It's a great way to meet new people.  Late :)

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