First off today, I have decided to throw caution to the wind and offer up Queen of Hearts Math Center as a freebie.  Okay . . . so there isn't really any "caution" to be tossin' around, but it sure made things sound super dramatic :)

This little card game will surely steal your babes' hearts come math center time. I tried this with my kiddos earlier this week and they were all smiles. Little did they know that they were comparing numbers, working together, and tappin' into higher level thinking skills . . . love it when this happens!  Click here to snag your free copy of this game.  

This game is part of my We Heart Math Centers Pack.  My afternoons were leaving me with a rather ho-hum feeling as of late, so I created 10 new valentine-themed center games to spice my math tubs up.  With all this said (too much as always . . . I'm a talker), I wanted to offer up my "try it before you buy it" deal.  If you like how the freebie plays out with your crew, come on back and snag the whole pack.  

Alright folks, I am signing off.  Be sure to check out all the fantastic freebies TBA has to offer this week.  See you soon!!!

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