I was up late last night . . . the wheels started turning and I couldn't get 'em to slow down until about 3 in the morning!  I thought I would be a total zombie today (missing the Walking Dead already I guess).  However, I jumped up at 7, brewed up a HUGE pot of coffee, and got down to it.  I have a bunch of springtime ideas and mini units in the works.  Thank goodness I have a helper on this wet and chilly Thursday . . . 
Say hello to my little baby - Tilly!  She's still recovering from her  play date with a skunk.
The groomer got most of the funk out.  However, her ears still smell like 8th Grade PE!
Check out my creative space!  I have absolutely blown it up.  I thought when we moved into our new house (December) that I would be a little neater.  Guess not.  Sorry sweet hubby!  I will clean it up eventually . . . I promise!

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