I am just finishing up my final Daddy Day ditty, but you will have to wait until tomorrow.  The direction page needs one more edit.  I have a good reason for the delay though . . . promise!  I went up to school to meet with my long-term sub about my typical Open House extravaganza.  I had held onto all of my favorite projects for my return to work (which so horribly failed this week), so she has a bum-load to do before Thursday (sorry Tiff)!  From the moment I opened that door I felt so at home and I loved seeing so many of my teaching friends.  My room looked fantastic too.  As I read their writing and peeked at their work my heart filled with joy.  My sub, and dear friend, is doing such a fantastic job with them.  Check out some of the things that are brightening up good old Room 13 these days. . . 

Teaching Bestie . . . thanks so much for the idea!

Look . . . "Big Kid Paper" . . . so proud of my babies!

One of my favorite Africa Unit projects . . . don't remember which book we got it out of (sorry). 

I am really hoping to make it in for a "visit" during Open House next Thursday.   They are going to be busy bees this week and I can't wait to see all of the other cool stuff they are about to create.  

On a final note, here's one more HUGE shout out to my long-term substitute. The kids, parents, and I are so lucky to have you.  Your dedication and efforts with the "troops" are greatly appreciated . . . and I wouldn't be this far along the recovery road without you, girl!

See you tomorrow gang!

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