Morning all . . . happy Saturday.  I have had an interesting morning thus far over in Cali.  I woke up at 5:04 to the lovely sound of the cat throwing up.  And, we aren't talking one throw up . . . we're talking 4 times in different rooms.  Thank heaven for hardwood, but good grief cat!  I tried to go back to sleep but the Hubs was snoring something fierce.  After laying there for 10 minutes, I decided to brew up some French Roast and get to gettin' on my computer.  

I got to thinking about my Father's Day Tie project and I realized that it is right up my alley (silly as all get out), but it might not be for everyone.  Therefore, I came up with an alternate gift idea.  My dad is so great at helping me fix things and not just things around the house.  When I have a problem or am down and out, my dad is right there to pick me up.  With this in mind, I came up with Dad's "Fix It" Kit.  This cute toolbox craft is easy and will allow for a more heartfelt message to daddies :).

This project has been added to my Father's Day TPT packet.
On a final Daddy Day note, I have one last freebie for you all.  It's more of a fun "Good Morning Work" or filler page, but we're pullin' all we can out of our hats this time of year, right??!!

Thank you Scrappin' Doodles
Licence #TPT52127
I also ran across the Linky Party hosted by Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher and I just had to join in.  I was really moved my Amber's idea to do some serious reflecting on the year . . . the good, the bad, and the downright UGLY!


MY CLASS - I have 20 wonderful 1st grade babies this year.  It's one of those crews that only comes once or twice in a teaching career.  I rolled with 11 of them (up from Kinder) and the new kiddos we landed were absolute dolls.  We are one big happy classroom family :)

THE DATA - Holy Smokes . . . these kids have been on fire this year and the data shows it.  This is by far the highest class that I have ever had and I am tickled with their progress.

COLLABORATING WITH MY TEACHIN' BESTIE - it's a delight to work with a wonderful grade level team, but for that awesome team to also include your teaching "bestie" . . . well, now that's a rare treat.  We blog stalk for hours and share our finds, "pin" and "repin" like crazy, and chat it up and plan out things each week.  Court . . . I heart you girl.


NARRATIVE WRITING - for some reason teaching narrative writing is so hard for me.  I have expository down pat, but when it comes to stories I am not so hot at helping them find their "inner voice."  This seems crazy to me, because I have such a kooky imagination and I LOVE to tell stories.  But . . . alas . . . this has not helped me in any way.  My goal this summer is to find some awesome narrative writing packets on TPT and map out a plan.  Any suggestions (I teach first grade)?

MY DELAYED RETURN - this is more of a personal gripe.  I went out on surgery leave on February 13th and have not made it back in the classroom yet.  I was expecting a 6 week recovery and complications have turned my leave into almost double that.  They say this can be expected when you are dealin' with a bowel resection (pretty sexy topic, huh).  With this said . . . remember what I said up top . . . this class is to die for.  I am still prayin' that I make it in for that very last week.  Mrs. D. needs to love on her kiddos and get some "closure."

My hubs loves to take pictures of me at the "BEST" times :)
Now that's downright UGLY!
CLEANING UP - I promised myself that I would be better about making piles this year.  You know . . . when you are just too tired at the end of the day and you don't put everything away.  I like to fool myself into thinking things are nice and neat because I make tidy little piles on my desk.  When the piles get too big I put most of it away and then start the process all over again.  Do you all do this too?  Don't get me wrong.  My room is very clean and it doesn't look awful, but it just ain't right.  The whole process is such a ridiculous time waster.  Here it is folks . . . you are my witnesses . . . I VOW TO PUT ALL THINGS, CENTERS, AND/OR WORKSHEETS AWAY EVERY DAY NEXT YEAR.  Oh yeah . . . and I do this at home too (in my office).  I am not making any promises here, but let's just say that I will try my best. 

See . . . neat little piles.  This is on my desk at home.
WOW . . . that was a long one.  I just love packin' it in to each and every post. Have a great weekend friends.  See you tomorrow.

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