Ss.  Sss.  Sssssssss . . . SCHOOL!  There I said it!  I better start gearing up as it's officially right around the corner.  Everything in my life is letting me know that this is indeed the case (nightmares, sleepless nights, living room messes, etc).  Ha . . . I bet many of you are right there with me!!  On that note, I can't tell you how excited I was to see that Doodle Bugs had brought back Five for Friday.  Just the little pick me up I needed . . . **sigh**

I promised an update, so here you be!  I will break it down by grade for you - what's been done and my timeline for the rest of the process.  If you signed up for the Pair Up and teach . . . 
  • KINDER - check your email!  I have made it through this huge as all get out pile and ALL of the participants have been contacted.  If you have yet to receive an email, email me ASAP (!
  • FIRST - I am about 3/4 of the way through this massive pile.  Check your email - most of you have emails.  If you don't have one from me, you should see one by Saturday EOD.  If not, email me (see above).
  • SECOND - the matches have been made, but I just need to get the emails out.  I am thinking by Monday EOD you will have heard from me.
  • THIRD - the matches have been made, but I just need to get the emails out.  I am thinking by Wednesday EOD you will have heard from me.
  • FORTH thru EIGHTH - you have been sorted by grade level, but I have not matched ya.  Not to worry . . . it will happen.  You will know by next Sunday at the latest (8/11).  Stick with me - I promise to get to you :)
Here's a little look at my process.  It's streamlined I tell ya (my sweet mom helped me come up with the "matching plan" and it's golden I tell ya . . . thanks MOMMY).  My neck hurts and my living room is a disaster, but I love getting emails saying that connections have already been made!!  It's so worth every minute in my book :)  

Emailing matches in front of the TV . . . I have to type the info into each one.
Cheers has been my savior - such cheerful background noise.  
Here is a pile of the first grade matches.
It's all about color coding!

Well, I was back at it in my home away from home this week.  I have made some serious progress and I am down to just one table filled with junk.  Praise the teaching GODS . . . a messy rooms stresses me out and I can't write a word in my plan book until it's finished.  We don't start with kiddos until 8/19, but I like to get it done early.  #soclosetothegoalline   

Clean carpets = HUGE mess.
The hubs also made asked me to clean the school stuff out of the garage.
So many piles . . . so little time :) 
I even cleaned out my middle storage room.

I wrote about this earlier this week, but I am so proud of myself.  I finished my VERY FIRST editable packet.  The learning curve was extensive, but I stuck with it and got 'er done!  If you are looking for a go-to pack to help keep all of your Back to School forms, letters, checklists, and more in order . . . take a look-see at For Your InFORMation!  It's gonna save me oodles of time :)

I have been trying a few new slow cook recipes lately.  I like to make an EASY large meal on Sunday so that I don't have to think about dinner on Monday (and sometimes even Tuesday).  This book is great for gluten free folks!

Click HERE to check this book out.
I have made quite a few good ones from this collection.
My favorite dish has been chicken and this spicy sauce!
Two ingredients . . . now that's busy teacher heaven.
It's served over cabbage and I add pinto beans (not Paleo, but I heart frijoles).
In addition to my classroom and pen pals, I have been frantically working on these babies.  I am so hoping to have both of them completed and posted by next Friday . . . fingers, toes, and eyeballs crossed!   

Alright, that's it.  Gotta get to gettin' on Pen Pals and talk to the hubs who just walked in the door.  Thanks so much for visiting my friends.  Check back soon as I have a fun musical freebie up my sleeve.  Oh, and for those of you prepping for school . . . hang on tight and remember to breathe (I have to keep telling myself this one) . . . WE CAN DO THIS!  Big hugs :)

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