There's no holding back now . . . we are in FULL back to school mode up here in Nor Cal.  With teacher duty days kicking off on the 14th and our new crew scheduled to walk in on the 19th, it's seriously ON.  How are y'all doing??  My room is nearly finished (one more day max), which means I can finally focus on a little planning and fun prep.  It's silly, but I can't touch my plan book or get anything ready until my classroom has been cleaned and put back in order . . . I think this girl may have a touch of OCD . . . just sayin'!  

On that note, I began preppin' a little something for my new cuties yesterday and decided to put it in a FREEBIE form to share with all of you.  Ever thought of using song binders in your room??  Well, if not, let me build a case for you to mull over today . . . 

Growing up around music in the classroom and amazing parents who actually create it, I am no stranger to the unbelievable power of song, rhythm, and rhyme!  Learning through music is extremely effective because it is SO brain compatible.  It stimulates and unifies cognitive function.  It also touches three of the four modalities through which the brain processes information - auditory, kinesthetic, and tactual.  Now when you provide the song lyrics in printed form, music also taps into the visual modality.  That's where song binders come in!

Just think . . . over time song binders become a "book" that your students can successfully READ!!!  How??  Well, simply provide each student with a copy of the lyrics when you intro a new song.  Have them track and sing along as the tune is played.  Soon, they will be able to read it without the song.  If all of the lyrics are stored in a binder, you now have a book that your students will love to pick up and read!  It's magical I tell ya :)

This FREE download includes everything you need to get binders set up for your incoming sweeties.  From step-by-step directions to B/W or color song dividers broken out by subject, this collection will walk you right through the process.  It also includes an EDITABLE divider!

Wait . . . I'm not done yet.  It just so happens that I partnered up with Ron Brown's Intelli-Tunes (thanks dad), to help get your song binders started off right!  In the ZIP download, you will find a MP3 of Ron's tune, I'm In A New Grade.  We also have tossed in your very first set of lyrics.  
Most classroom songs come with lyrics - many that are print-ready.
If they are inside a CD jacket, you can enlarge them on the copier or quickly re-type them.

Snag the song and the binder info HERE.

This year I am setting aside 10 minutes 3-4 times a week to add new and sing previous ditties from our song binders.  This will be a great way for me to review the standards in a fun way.  AND . . . the more my kids sing the songs, the more they will be able to read it without the tune . . . thus increasing reading confidence and fluency.  

Click here to learn more
I can't take credit for this doozie.  My mom started song binders in her first grade classroom years ago and swears by it.  When she first told me about them, I frantically said, "MOM!  I don't have time for this."  She calmly replied, "You don't have time NOT to do it!"  Shhhh . . . don't tell her I said this . . . but, she was right.  Ten little minutes really does go a LONG way :)  

Alright, I'm almost done today.  However, before I go, let's take things to a whole new level, shall we??  I haven't hosted a contest on my bloggy blog in ages, so let's remedy this one!  

Thank you KG Fonts, JW Illusrations, Moffatt Girls, and Melonheadz!
Use the Rafflecopter below to win some free standards-based music from Intell-Tunes (we're talking 3 albums of choice - MP3 or CD)!  Three winners will be chosen on Wednesday . . . so, you best hurry and get yo-self entered.  Why not, right??!!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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