Okay . . . so I should be finishing up my last four report card comments, but I just can't help myself. (Yes, I know I said I was going to have these done a few days ago . . . whoops!)  I am claiming temporary insanity as I have just too many fun things to showcase today.  

First up, I have another end of the year activity that I will be pulling out of my hat with my kiddos next week.  I have done this in the past and it worked wonderfully, so I figured I would "snazz" it up a bit and share it with all of you. Jazzy Jigsaw Puzzles are a great way to keep that team building and classroom family spirit alive and well during your last week.  This activity also keeps them engaged, workin' those brains, and having fun.  Here are some photos from years past . . . 

Here's how to run this activity (it's super simple).  
  1. Provide everyone with a puzzle template.  If you are out of copies, hand your kiddos a Sharpie and a piece of copy paper and let them draw their own puzzle out.  
  2. Have them color this baby up with a scene or crazy designs.  
  3. Cut the puzzle apart and place it in the "puzzle pocket."  I have provided a template for you (just fold in 1/2 and staple the sides to create an envelope).  Again, if you are out of copies, just use a piece of copy paper instead.  Early puzzle finishers can decorate and color their pockets while the rest of the crew finishes their job.  
  4. Invite your kids to find different partners around the room and exchange puzzles.  When they successfully solve the jigsaw, they sign the back of their partner's puzzle pocket and find another classmate to partner up with.  When I have done this in the past, kids tend to make it through quite a few partners before they get antsy.  They always seem to really dig this activity and it holds their attention for a long time!
Need the puzzle? CLICK HERE!

Want the "pocket?"  CLICK HERE!
Thank you to Miss Tiina Fonts for helpin' make this pocket "purdy!"

Next up, we have ourselves a BIG winner in the Rockin' Resources Giveaway. Congrats to Susan Moran over at T.G.I.F (Thank God It's First).  She is my winner . . . winner . . . chicken dinner!  Be sure to check out her blog - it's a great one.  Thank you to everyone who entered and played along with me.  I will be having another giveaway soon.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out the goods, Susan.  A few more surprises will be added to your shipment,
but I am going to make you wait to see those :)

Finally, I wanted to give a HUGE shout out to one of my all-time favorite seasoned bloggers . . . Katie King @ Queen of the First Grade Jungle!  She started a new blog post series called, Sunday Safari.  Each and every Sunday, Katie will choose a handful of newer blogs to showcase.  Well, I can't believe it, but I was selected as one of her first featured bloggers.  She made me feel like a QUEEN today and I cannot thank her enough for taking the time to hang with a newbie!  If you haven't checked Katie's fantastic blog yet, make the time . . . it'll be well worth your "click" . . . I promise :).  

That's all my bloggy pals.  Thanks so much for taking the time to visit.  I will be back tomorrow with a little somethin' - somethin'.  

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