I feel like I have been rewarded with a Hall Pass as I am takin' a big old breather right now.  They call it Winter Break . . . and I have the whole week off. I know.  I know.  Don't hate me.  

As I take a moment to step back from the hustle and bustle that is school and reflect on my practices, I stumbled across the perfect Linky Party . . . HALL PASS.  To make things even more perfect, it's being hosted by one of my all time faves - none other than Ms. Reagan Tunstall!

My favorite product has to be my Good Morning Work Packets.  These babies have saved my life in the morning and have helped my kiddos become great independent workers.  They are common core aligned and I work hard to create meaningful and rigorous collections each and every month.  I just finished up my March Math Packet (the reading will be available this weekend). If you are new to my Good Morning Work Packets, I have attached some free "try 'em before you buy 'em" pages below.  Try them out with your crew and if you like what you see, come on back and snag the whole pack.  

CLICK HERE to download these FREE sample pages :)

My favorite area in my room has to be my walls.  I heart bulletin boards with every ounce of my teacher being.  Well, it just so happens that my walls love to take staples and I am all about plastering my space with student work.  Make 'em big and make 'em bright is my motto.    

This is tame!  Usually this board is 5-6 deep.
I have a stack to hang still . . . Ms. Dolling has been slackin' :)
My signals are pretty straight forward.  When the reading group timer sounds (a Dollar Store piece of junk), they know to clean their space, stand behind their chairs, and get ready to transition.  I also train 'em early on my "One. Two. Three. Eyes Up." It's just like it sounds and they have this down pat.  This works especially well when they are doing some sort of small group game or whole class activity and I need their attention.  Finally, if someone or a small group is gabbing, I give the "I'll wait."  The other kids freak out and do my job for me when I toss this one out.  It doesn't take long for my babes to get those chattin' kiddos to zip it.  We learned how to do this in a nice manner right up front and this signal is a gem I tell ya! 

My teaching bestie keeps me sane.  If you are lucky enough to have one in your life, you know exactly what I am talking about.  I have mentioned good old Court quite a few times now, but she truly is my partner in crime and the only one who helps me keep my head above water.  I don't know what I would do without this girl.

Alright, I am off to finish the last five pages of my reading version of Good Morning Work.  I should have it up tomorrow or Friday at the latest.  Thanks so much for visiting me today! Don't forget to pop on over to Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits and tell us about your Hall PASS!

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